Saturday, February 27, 2010

Five more sleeps

We're almost ready. Kristin and Rob arrive on Wednesday. We'll celebrate their engagement with them, and then Thursday we'll off to Australia. We're all getting excited. We still haven't planned exactly what we'll do. But that's part of the fun. We have a few ideas, and will make and remake plans over supper on Wednesday. Once we arrive, any plans we've made may go out the window, as they often do, because we discover something or somewhere that captures our imagination.

Jaime and Jon have told us we're going to the Blue Mountains the day after we arrive - sounds great. I can't wait. I've charged the batteries in both cameras. I plan to take lots of pictures and play with my new toy - a video camera. Last year in Mexico I took over 600, so Australia should account for at least that many.

Won't be long now.