Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Relaxing in Noosa

We've spent the last two weeks relaxing in Noosa. Our days have been taken up with going to the beach, lounging by the pool, relaxing on the patio, and exploring the area.

This part of Queensland is a mix of temperate and tropical, so that we have plants and animnals from both zones. One morning, there was a lorikeet, on our patio, looking for food. Walter managed to snap a picture of it before it flew away. The picture doesn't really do it any justice - the bird's plumage was brillant green, red, blue and yellow.

We've been to the markets here. The Sunday market is mostly fresh fruit and vegetables. You can also get fresh bread, homemade ginger beer (non-alcoholic), flowers, herbs and spices, and various kinds of brekkies. Everything from bacon butties to malaysian crepes. We found one stall that had locally made cheese, modelled after the cheeses of Switzerland. We bought a cheese called Snakebite. It was really good - nice and sharp. The big market on Wednesday is in a little town called Eumundi - about 15 minutes from Noosa. Food is available for sale, but the big attraction is the local arts and crafts community. Everything from handmade soaps and jewelry to clothes and decorative items. I found a nice top that I bought and have worn three times already.

I've posted a few pictures: Jaime and Jon relaxing on the patio, Lex in his new swimsuit, the lorikeet, me, Lex, and Jon in the pool.

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