Thursday, March 28, 2013

Birding in Huntington Beach State Park

Today, we went to Huntington Beach State Park.  It is very near Brookgreen Gardens, on the other side of the highway.  What a treat.  We stayed about three hours, walking one of the various trails near the marshes and beach.  If you're into birding, and we've just started that, it's a great place to see birds, especially water fowl, in their natural habitat.  We saw bald eagles, cranes, herons, egrets, grebes, gulls, terns, ducks, and pelicans.  Didn't get pictures of all of them, unfortunately. There are also alligators, but we didn't see any. Below are some of my favourite pictures

 Walter at one of the lookouts over the marsh. On the other side of the marsh are sand dunes and the ocean.
 Cormorant enjoying the sunshine.
 The marsh from one of the lookouts.  The steps up to the lookout were steeper than I thought, and I stumbled on them.  Didn't get hurt, just got sand all over my jeans.  The climb was worth it though. Beyond the trees in the distance is Huntington Beach and the Atlantic Ocean.
 Birds in the marsh.  Not sure what they are.  I'll have to look them up in Birds of North America when I get home.
 One of the ever present gulls.
 I don't remember what Walter said, but whatever it was, it made me laugh. 
 Another part of the marsh, with the sand dunes and ocean in the background.  Walter got a great shot.
 Duck nest in the marsh.  Right beside it was......
 an egret.  Beautiful bird!
There are other parts of the park that we didn't get a chance to explore. The beach is huge, and wide.  It was a bit cool when we walked around (we're wearing jackets) near the ocean.  Definitely a place worth visiting.

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