Saturday, March 1, 2014

Downtown Disney

Yesterday, being a sunny day, we decided to spend some time outside.  Our destination was Downtown Disney.  We didn't feel like doing theme parks, and this was a good alternative.  Lots of Disney feel, without the expensive admission price.

 One of the things we opted to do was go up in the balloon.  It's not a balloon ride per se.  The balloon is tethered, so all we do is go up about 375 feet, stay there for 10 minutes, then descend.  It's worth it though.  Gave us a good view of how flat Florida is, and allowed up to see bits and pieces of Disney World from a different perspective.

 EPCOT in the distance, taken from the balloon.  

  Hollywood Studios' Tower of Terror, seen in the distance, from the balloon.  It's even further away than EPCOT.  

  One of the hotel and golf resorts on the Disney property, again taken from the balloon.  We could see just how immense the Disney property was, and why it's considered a county all by itself.

After the balloon ride, we wandered around.  Lunch was at the T-Rex Restaurant.  Really geared for kids, although I think very young ones would be a bit scared by the noise and the animatronic dinosaurs.  I liked the designations on the washroom doors "She-Rex" and "He-Rex".  Even the washrooms were decorated in dino motifs (no pictures of that).

 Walter with some of his friends.  It's impossible to be in a bad mood when you're with Winnie, Tigger and Piglet.

 They come in peace.  Walter with another intrepid friend - Buzz Lightyear.

It was a lovely day to wander around.  Back home in late afternoon to relax.

Alicia, though, had other friends.  One very colourful, as you can see below.

  This red parrot decided to flirt with her, and bobbed up and down on her head.  Quite the character - the parrot, I mean.

 Ahoy matey!  Alicia with her intrepid sailor at the helm - could be from Davey Jones' locker, though.  Look out!

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