Friday, October 25, 2013

On the way to Myrtle Beach

We left home yesterday to travel to Myrtle Beach.  Our goal was to reach Wytheville,Virginia.  The ride down to Virginia was interesting.  We had changes in weather that we weren't prepared for.  New York State looked like this.  Typical for October.

  Nice foliage, beautiful oranges, yellows, etc.
Then came northern Pennsylvania.  What a surprise. We went from this.
  A little snow covering the ground, but not much else.

To this. 
  Definitely not what I expected.

To this.
  This was on the interstate near the turn off for Pittsburgh. Turns out, this is a snow belt area.  To my mind, definitely way too early for snow.  We had to slow down to about 40 miles per hour for a bit, until we got out of the snow area.
By the time we got to southern Pennsylvania, the snow had turned to rain, and the terrain looked more like fall than winter.
 The spots are rain drops on the windshield.
We encountered rain on and off through West Virginia, and Virginia before we stopped for the night in Wytheville.  At one point, we pulled off the road briefly to take pictures at a scenic overlook.
  This doesn't really do the view justice.  We stopped between bouts of rain, and quickly took a few pics.

This morning when we left Wytheville, it was a balmy 2 C.  But as we travelled farther south, it warmed up.  By the time we hit North Carolina, we had sunshine and increasingly warmer temperatures.  When we met our friend, Ralph, in Myrtle Beach, we were basking in sunshine and 15 C. 
We have a lovely two bedroom suite at a local hotel for tonight before we get our condo tomorrow.  We celebrated the start of our holiday by having supper at Bonefish, one of our favourite restaurants in |Myrtle Beach.  Then back to our hotel to relax for the night.
  Walter and Ralph relaxing after supper.

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