Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pictures from our bayou adventure

This was definitely the highlight of the trip for me.

 Steve, our guide.  He was terrific.  Gave us lots of opportunity for photos, and lots and lots of information about the bayou and alligators.
 The bayou itself it beautiful, and deceptive.  It's easy to become disoriented and get lost.  And it is quite dangerous.  Although not deep - most areas are less than 6 feet deep - there are plenty of alligators.
One of the many residents of the bayou.
 Another alligator - this one trying to pass as a leaf-covered log floating in the water.  Didn't fool me - much.  When I first saw him, I didn't see the head, just the body.
 One of my favourite shots.  In some places, the water was so still, it was hard to see where reflections began.
 A bonus for me - this bald eagle was sitting on a light pole, not too far from the dock for our air boat.  What a beautiful bird.
 And finally, we got to hold a baby alligator.  This little one was only 11 months old, and about a foot long.  The teeth were sharp enough, though, to inflict some serious damage, so Steve showed us how to hold the baby so that he could not bite.

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