Friday, November 1, 2013

Another visit to Huntington Beach State Park

Today, we went back to Huntington Beach State Park.  We decided to visit Atalaya, the home of Archer and Anne Huntington, who created Brookgreen Gardens.  The house was built in the early 1930s, and was used by the Huntingtons as a winter home until 1947.  All that is left today is the shell of the house, and the grounds. 

The house was built in the Spanish Moorish style, and had two inner courtyards separated by a covered walk.  Even in its current state, it is easy to imagine how grand the house would have been in its heyday.

 The walkway between the two inner courtyards. Ralph is peeking around the corner.
 The inner studio where Anne Huntington did some of her sculptures.
 The shower in Mr. Huntington's bathroom.  Mr. and Mrs. Huntington had separate bathrooms off the master bedroom. 
 The bathtub in the housekeeper's bathroom.  She was the only servant who had two rooms, a bedroom and a bathroom - each with a fireplace.
After touring Atalaya, we went back to the marsh area to see what birds were out.  Not much this time, compared to when we were there in March.  But I did get a couple of good shots.
 This egret was intently watching something in the water.
 He (or she - I'm not sure which) finally gave up and flew off.
 An osprey in the air with a fish in its claws.  I got this by accident.  I saw some smaller birds take off and was trying to focus on them when the osprey flew into my line of vision.  Just pressed the shutter release at the right time.  Not exactly in perfect focus, but still pretty good.

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