Monday, October 29, 2012

Disney Magic

 Chris, Jes and Adrien at the entrance to the Magic Kingdom. 
  Cinderella's castle, or as Adrien called it, the Disney Castle.  He was so excited when he saw it.  We were lucky enough to be coming up Main Street just as a show was starting.
 The stars of the show - Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
 Chris and Adrien with Tigger. 
 Adrien and Eeyore.

 Granpa and Adrien with Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater.
Yesterday, we spent the day at Disney with Chris, Jes and Adrien.  In a way, it brought back great memories.  Adrien is four, and the first time I took Chris to Disney World, he was four.  It was wonderful to experience seeing it all again through the eyes of a four-year old.
We started off the day in the Animal Kingdom, a park that I had never been to.  The safari ride was a real treat - over bumpy roads through various parts of 'Africa'.  Saw rhinos, gazelles, elephants, giraffes, cheetahs, and hippos, to name a few of the animals.  For me, that was the highlight.
In the afternoon, we were in the Magic Kingdom.  Arien was so excited to see the Disney Castle, and we were lucky enough to see a show that included Goofy, Donald Duck, Mickey and Minnie, Peter Pan and Wendy, Snow White, Cinderella, Princess Aurora and their princes, Captain Hook and Mister Smee.  More rides, the Haunted House, Pirates of the Caribbean, and pictures opportunities everywhere.  Adrien loved the rides and is absolutely fearless.  He loved going higher and higher.  If he could have gone on the rides over and over again, he would have.  Every time he got off a ride, all he said was 'again, Nana'. 
We finished the day with supper and the fireworks display in Epcot.  A fabulous pyrotechnic display over the lagoon.  Disney certainly knows how to entertain.  A very long day, and very happy one.  And another set of great memories.



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In Florida

We arrived in Florida.  Monday was taken up with relaxing after three days of driving.  Actually Walter did all the driving and I did all the relaxing, so I definitely got the better part of this deal.  Luckily for me, Walter likes to drive (which I don't), and doing it over three days meant that there was no driving at night.  We both agreed it was a good way to make the trip. 

Tuesday morning we were back at our favourite golf course in the area.  The weather was good, and we hit some great shots.  Truth be told though, I hit more goofy shots that good ones.  I guess that's what happens when I only play twice a year and don't practice.  Still, we both had a good time, and that's what counts.  We're never going to make money at playing golf, but we always have a good time.

Today, we went to Melbourne Beach on the Atlantic coast.  The area is beautiful, and much less developed than central Florida.  We had lunch at a road house place called the New England Eatery. Didn't look like much from the outside, but had great fish and chips and delicious blackened shrimp.

Walter relaxing with a coffee on Monday.
One of the fairways on the Lake Orlando Golf Course.  No alligators this time.
At Melbourne Beach.  It was virtually deserted.  Cocoa Beach, up the coast, is more popular and developed.  The surf was quite heavy.  I love the sound of the waves against the shore.
 Sandpipers on the beach.
  Me on the beach.  Even with polarized glasses, I'm squinting so much, it looks like I have my eyes closed.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


  Chickamauga Creek
We decided to see the site of the Battle of Chickamauga before resuming our journey down the I-75. The battle took place in September 1863, and was the second bloodiest in the US Civil War after Gettysburg.  It was well worth the visit.  The battlefield is spread out over a few miles, and while some of the fighting took place out in the open near the Chickamauga Creek, much of the fighting was in the woods surrounding the creek.  And that made it difficult for commanders on both sides to see their own troops and the enemy.

  The Louisianna battery.  The guns faced the union guns from an Illinois battery about 300 to 400 yards away. 
  The old plantation house - now the Visitor's Centre.

Walter in front of the memorial from the State of Georgia to its fallen soldiers in the Civil War.
 The woods surrounding Chickamauga.   Although these are new growth, they are typical of what the Union and Confederate troops would have had to march through.  There are monuments every few hundred feet in portions of the woods, marking the various units of regiments from both armies.

Friday, October 19, 2012

On the way to Florida

We're on our way to Florida, down the I-75.  Yesterday, we stopped in Bowling Green, Ohio.  A great university town - home of Bowling Green State University.  The largest employer by far.  The town itself is quite pretty.  Lots of beautiful early 20th century clapboard houses, many of them renting to students.  Also several fraternity houses along Wooster Blvd, known as fraternity row for about two blocks.  I think I counted five fraternities in that two block space.  Don't know about the sororities, although I'm sure they are around as well.

The weather is Bowling Green was cool - around 59 Fahrenheit, and windy.  We had supper at a restaurant called SamB's (see the photo above).  Decor was a bit dated, but the food was great, and there was lots of local art for sale.

This morning we left Ohio for Chattanooga, Tennessee.  It was cold and rainy when we left, but by the time we got to Kentucky, the weather was starting to clear.  Once over the mountains in Tennessee, the sun came out.  What a difference - 21 Celsius and sunny.  On the way down, the display of colour in the leaves was spectacular.  A riot of gold, oranges, red, umbers, ochres, interspersed with dark greens from evergreens.  A beautiful sight, especially in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Tomorrow, we move on the Florida, but first we'll stop to see a Civil War battlefield - Chickamauga.  Looking forward to seeing it.