Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In Florida

We arrived in Florida.  Monday was taken up with relaxing after three days of driving.  Actually Walter did all the driving and I did all the relaxing, so I definitely got the better part of this deal.  Luckily for me, Walter likes to drive (which I don't), and doing it over three days meant that there was no driving at night.  We both agreed it was a good way to make the trip. 

Tuesday morning we were back at our favourite golf course in the area.  The weather was good, and we hit some great shots.  Truth be told though, I hit more goofy shots that good ones.  I guess that's what happens when I only play twice a year and don't practice.  Still, we both had a good time, and that's what counts.  We're never going to make money at playing golf, but we always have a good time.

Today, we went to Melbourne Beach on the Atlantic coast.  The area is beautiful, and much less developed than central Florida.  We had lunch at a road house place called the New England Eatery. Didn't look like much from the outside, but had great fish and chips and delicious blackened shrimp.

Walter relaxing with a coffee on Monday.
One of the fairways on the Lake Orlando Golf Course.  No alligators this time.
At Melbourne Beach.  It was virtually deserted.  Cocoa Beach, up the coast, is more popular and developed.  The surf was quite heavy.  I love the sound of the waves against the shore.
 Sandpipers on the beach.
  Me on the beach.  Even with polarized glasses, I'm squinting so much, it looks like I have my eyes closed.

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