Friday, October 19, 2012

On the way to Florida

We're on our way to Florida, down the I-75.  Yesterday, we stopped in Bowling Green, Ohio.  A great university town - home of Bowling Green State University.  The largest employer by far.  The town itself is quite pretty.  Lots of beautiful early 20th century clapboard houses, many of them renting to students.  Also several fraternity houses along Wooster Blvd, known as fraternity row for about two blocks.  I think I counted five fraternities in that two block space.  Don't know about the sororities, although I'm sure they are around as well.

The weather is Bowling Green was cool - around 59 Fahrenheit, and windy.  We had supper at a restaurant called SamB's (see the photo above).  Decor was a bit dated, but the food was great, and there was lots of local art for sale.

This morning we left Ohio for Chattanooga, Tennessee.  It was cold and rainy when we left, but by the time we got to Kentucky, the weather was starting to clear.  Once over the mountains in Tennessee, the sun came out.  What a difference - 21 Celsius and sunny.  On the way down, the display of colour in the leaves was spectacular.  A riot of gold, oranges, red, umbers, ochres, interspersed with dark greens from evergreens.  A beautiful sight, especially in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Tomorrow, we move on the Florida, but first we'll stop to see a Civil War battlefield - Chickamauga.  Looking forward to seeing it.

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