Saturday, October 20, 2012


  Chickamauga Creek
We decided to see the site of the Battle of Chickamauga before resuming our journey down the I-75. The battle took place in September 1863, and was the second bloodiest in the US Civil War after Gettysburg.  It was well worth the visit.  The battlefield is spread out over a few miles, and while some of the fighting took place out in the open near the Chickamauga Creek, much of the fighting was in the woods surrounding the creek.  And that made it difficult for commanders on both sides to see their own troops and the enemy.

  The Louisianna battery.  The guns faced the union guns from an Illinois battery about 300 to 400 yards away. 
  The old plantation house - now the Visitor's Centre.

Walter in front of the memorial from the State of Georgia to its fallen soldiers in the Civil War.
 The woods surrounding Chickamauga.   Although these are new growth, they are typical of what the Union and Confederate troops would have had to march through.  There are monuments every few hundred feet in portions of the woods, marking the various units of regiments from both armies.

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