Sunday, February 2, 2014

Governor Gore's bird sanctuary

While visiting Jaime and Jon, Walter and I made two trips to Governor Gore's bird sanctuary.  It's a small sanctuary located about 10 minutes away by car.  The birds were beautiful.  The iguanas were a big surprise.  Both in that I didn't expect to see any there - not certain why - they are, after all, native to the Caymans.  Also BIG in size, especially the orange ones.  We got some great shots.  Here are a few.

 One of the ducks feeding on the reeds.

 A green heron.  Actually, I would not have seen it at all if it hadn't been for a bird watcher who pointed it out.

 A red dragon fly.  It landed on a reed just below my feet. I took the shot and hoped for the best.  Didn't have time to adjust the settings.

 An iguana.  A face so ugly, it's actually beautiful.
 An orange iguana.  From head to tail, he's probably about nine feet long.  He was across the lagoon when I took this.  Iguanas can move quite quickly when they want to.  He seemed to be more interested in enjoying the sunshine, rather than climbing down from the trees.

 Another orange iguana, in another tree, on another side of the lagoon.  Can't imagine what it would be like if these two beauties met!

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