Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Green Hill Farm and Balloons

On Sunday, we went to Green Hill Farm.  It's a petting farm, geared toward little kids.  Lots of opportunity to feed rabbits, chicks, ducklings, pigs, goats and sheep.  And even milk a cow.  The kids rode ponies, climbed onto farm machinery (under the watchful eye of mommy and daddy), and generally had a great time. Sydney played in the corn box (kernels of corn replacing sand, thus a corn box rather than a sandbox).
There were a cowboy who showed us tricks with whirling lassos, and twirling guns (just like Roy Rogers, for those of us old enough to remember him).  And some pretty nifty knife throwing.  It was a great way to spend the morning.

 Sydney playing in the corn box.  She was very intent on trying all the shovels and scoops.  

 Lennox on the pony ride.  He was having a good time.

 Sydney on the swing.  Walter was pushing her, and if he didn't do it fast enough, Sydney yelled out 'More'!

 Lennox on one of the pieces of farm equipment.  Unfortunately, I don't remember which one.  He was very intent on trying to steer, even though his feet can't reach the pedals.
 Two little lambs waiting to be fed.

Jon - part of the knife throwing act.  Brave fellow.  I wouldn't have done that.

Yesterday, we woke up to hot air balloons sailing by in the sky.  What a beautiful sight.

  Silently gliding in the sky.

 The balloons were out again this morning, but by the time I saw them, they were far off in the distance.  I'll have to keep a look up for them.  I wonder if this is a daily occurrence?  Balloon rides are amazing.  We did one a few years ago in Australia, and I loved it.

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